Can you believe Christmas and New Year are just around the corner? Now is the perfect time to think about how you can give your business a boost or how you can get that new business idea up and running. Set some goals for the New Year and start pre-planning now! Make 2018 your best year yet!
Starting a business doesn't mean you have to face the journey alone. You will need the help of other providers to help your business gain momentum and most importantly, you should choose genuine people who are passionate and want to see your dream become a reality. Your identity and branding will also be a large part of your new business endeavour.
Why is branding so important? Branding sets you apart from your competitors. Most markets are extremely saturated these days and it is now even more important to differentiate yourself from your competitors. This is called your USP (Unique Selling Proposition). This is what you need to be communicating to your targeted audience through your branding. Done incorrectly, it can actually push your target audience away from you. For example, say you are a plumber and your most loyal customers are little old ladies. If you send out a generic flyer with an image of a tough brutish tradie on the front you may get a negative response. However that same flyer sent via direct mail to a database of construction managers may give you a completely different result. Knowing your demographic is also key to your branding.
Unfortunately a lot of start-ups put the activity of branding off until they have more money and/or develop a better understanding of their target audience. Believe me, these are not good reasons. In the long run, if your business takes off it will cost you more time, effort and money to rebrand down the track than getting it done up-front. Don't wait, now is the time to strike! We can also help you with your branding!